Rebecca Plante, sociology, presents the March 30 colloquium, "The Mini-Guide to Teaching Critical Thinking Skills."
Most professors want their students to gain "critical thinking skills" -- but what, precisely, does this mean? How, in fact, do we teach these skills? Is there a universal set of skills that would benefit students in all disciplines? How can some critical thinking skills benefit professorial endeavors as well (e.g., lecturing, discussing, assessing)?
Answers to these key questions will come from a presentation of Richard Paul and Linda Elder's Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking. We will also address some concrete ways to help students write, speak, and read more effectively.
This informal and interactive program is open to anyone, late arrivals included, and coffee and treats can supplement your lunch.
Thursday's program: the next Sustainability Cafe, "An Overview of Current Research in Organizations and the Natural Environment," by Mark Cordano and David Saiia, School of Business
For more information, see the Center for Faculty Excellence
Contributed by Susanne Morgan