Chorus and Ithaca Children's Choir in Concert


Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck

On Sunday, April 25, the Ithaca College Chorus, led by Janet Galván, will join the Ithaca Children's Choir Choraliers, conducted by Verna Brummett, in a performance of John Rutter's Mass for the Children.

The free concert will take place at 3:00 p.m. in Ford Hall in the Whalen Center. Rutter's mass was written for two soloists, a children's choir, an adult choir, and an orchestra. Carol McAmis and Randie Blooding, both faculty members in the School of Music, will sing the solo parts. The orchestra parts will be played by students from the School of Music.

The text of Mass for the Children is that of a standard Latin mass to which several relevant English poetic texts have been added. The first and last of these are taken from Bishop Thomas Ken's renowned morning and evening hymns for Winchester College. This gives the whole work the framework of a complete day, from waking to sleeping within which other texts and moods appear, like events in that day or like landmarks in a life.

Also on the program are Biebl's Ave Maria, sung by the men of the chorus, and Mulholland's Heart, We Will Forget Him, sung by the women of the chorus, featuring Carlie Kilgore on French horn.

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck