The moment you have been waiting for is almost here -- the second annual Bursar's Office Celebration of Service Auction.
The auction will be held on Friday, April 16, in Emerson B. Preview of items begins at 10:00 a.m. The silent auction will run from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., followed by the live auction until 1:30 p.m.
Please take a moment to visit the tables of the two groups we are donating our proceeds to -- Make A Wish Foundation (where you can make cards for sick children) and the Tompkins County SPCA (where you can meet dogs and cats and obtain a name tag for your pet). Both will be located in the Emerson Foyer at the top of the stairs.
At the time of this writing, we have over 75 items with more being received each day. Thank you to all the members of the Ithaca Community and to the local merchants who have so generously donated items to our cause! Here is just a sampling of the items you will see at our auction:
...and we still have one more week to collect items! Please join us on April 16 for a wonderfully fun time and a great way to raise funds for two excellent causes!
Contributed by Anne Woodard