Psychology Students Win Top Award at Conference


Contributed by Cyndy Scheibe

Two students from the department of psychology received an award of excellence.

The award was for research presented in poster format at the 58th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference that was held April 3, 2004, at Manhatten College. Angela Tennis and Nicole Gagnon received the award for their research on "Assessing the Effectiveness of Media Literacy on Health Attitudes and Nutritional Knowledge in Grades K-1." Only four of the 80 research posters received an award.

Gagnon and Tennis were two of 35 Ithaca College students attending the conference, representing psychology, biology, and chemistry departments. The other students attending included Nicholas Antczak, Caitlin Burnett, Andrew Cameron, Vanessa Carrasco, Katharine D'Andrea, Kyle Daley, Macie Dorland, Jenna Englund, Sarah Fish, Emily Goldhammer, Anne Goldman, Adam Grabowski, Erin Grosstephan, Megan Heeder, Laloma Kagan, Erika King, Raeanne Lacatena, Erin Lindenbaum, Will Marusich, Tom O'Rourke, Laura Pease, Robin Rakobitsch, Joe Resti, Al Sahlstrom, Henry Schierembergg, Sandra Schwartz, Jennifer Sevier, Phil Slingerland, Steve Sluck, Cara Tintle, Erica Van DeWal, Chuck Velas, and Keri Walczynski. Seven faculty advisers also attended the conference.

ECSC is the oldest undergraduate science conference in the U.S., and typically draws more than 250 students and faculty from colleges in the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions. Last year ECSC was held at Ithaca College under the direction of Andrea White, assistant professor in psychology.

Contributed by Cynthia Scheibe