Auction April 16


Contributed by Anne Woodard

The big day is finally here...the bursar's office Celebration of Service auction will be held Friday, April 16 in Emerson B.

The silent auction will run from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., with the live auction following from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Prize balloons will be sold for $5 each, beginning at noon. Every balloon has a prize worth more than the cost of the balloon. Payment for purchased items can be made by cash or check.

Please come and bring lots of friends. It's a fun way to raise money for good causes! A complete list of auction items will be available, but feel free to sneak a peek at the informal lists at the bursar's office earlier. The final list will include the order in which the live auction items will be auctioned.

See you there!

Contributed by Anne Woodard