The stories in Intercom are divided into a number of topics, or sections -- "News and Notices," "Arts and Performances," etc. Beginning this week, there are two additional sections: "Among Friends" and "Community Connections." But, you will have to log in (with your email user name and password) to see these sections.
Among Friends: If you have some news that doesn't directly relate to your role at the College but that you'd like to share with fellow employees, this is the place for it. Special achievements, milestones, undertakings, experiences -- anything you'd like to share "among friends." We do ask, of course, that you not submit any personal information about other community members without first obtaining their permission.
Community Connections: This topic is intended for the many involvements that IC employees have in the outside community -- charity races, food drives, fund-raisers, etc. Use this topic to, for example, plan activities, recruit colleagues to ongoing campaigns, announce the progress or results of your project, etc.
These topics are only available to those visitors to Intercom who log in. We hope that more IC staff will make a habit of logging in for these new sections as well as to contribute and comment on the regular news in other Intercom sections.
Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins