IC LeaderShip Program Rated High by US Army
Contributed by Deborah Merriman
John Harrison, a professor of leadership and management for the Army Staff College visited IC in April.
Harrison was here to learn about Ithaca College's LeaderShip program and to share information about the Army Management Staff College (AMSC), its history and mission, and the Army Sustaining Base Leadership and Management Program (SBLM).
During the April 20-21 visit, Harrison was welcomed at a reception where he presented to a large group of current participants and graduates of the LeaderShip program. He provided a comprehensive overview of the leadership skills of AMSC's three-month program, and contrasted it with Ithaca College's LeaderShip program offerings. Harrison noted that LeaderShip includes content on emotional intelligence and conflict resolution -- two areas that are of great interest to him and to other Army leaders.
Peggy Williams and members of her senior staff also attended the reception. "We at Ithaca College were honored that John Harrison expressed an interest in our LeaderShip Program and took the time to come and visit," said President Williams. "John and our employees engaged in a stimulating exchange of ideas about staff development in general as well as critical ingredients for effective programs."
The LeaderShip program is open to all Ithaca College employees, regardless of their position at the College.
"Employees check their positions at the door and get to know each other as individuals," said Mary Tomaselli, staff development manager for Ithaca College, who spearheads the program. "The program was designed to enhance the overall quality of management and leadership on campus by addressing critical skills that lead to reflective self-assessment and build healthy, growing relationships with other people. A sense of community is a very important goal of the program.It's an honor for our program to have been identified by the United States Army as a program that could help them further develop and improve the leadership training that they provide to their leaders."
LeaderShip graduate Brian Martinson added, "The passion and enthusiasm that Mr. Harrison has for his leadership program was evident in his presentation, and is the same passion and enthusiasm that Mary Tomaselli embodies. This is the catalyst needed to bond a group of diverse individuals into a cohesive leadership cohort."
AMSC news story on the event: Collegial Exchange Helps Chart Leadership Course
Contributed by Mary Tomaselli