Have you taken stunning photographs of our stunning region? The Office of Development invites you to submit them for possible inclusion in the Ithaca College calendar.
The calendar, which has traditionally included images of the campus, is a thank-you gift to our donors. This year we want to feature photographs of the Ithaca area.
Possible subjects are the various falls, Cayuga Lake, the hills, the countryside, the Commons, neighborhoods, the Farmers Market, architecturally significant buildings, winter scenes -- scenic views that are clearly identifiable as the Ithaca area. We will, of course, credit every photograph we use and will give you a copy of the calendar.
We can accept 35-mm slides, prints and negatives, and electronic files, but color images only. Prints, including laser prints, must be accompanied by the negatives. To submit electronic files, please contact JoAnn LaPadula, 274-3468, for instructions.
Label each print with your name, phone number, home or College address, and e-mail address. We recommend that you put the information on a label and tape the label securely to the back of the print. If you write directly on the back of the print, use a fine-point "Sharpie" marker or soft pencil. Don't use a ballpoint pen -- the ink can smudge. Print your name on each slide, put slides and negatives in an envelope, and print the necessary information on the outside.
Send prints, negatives, and slides by August 31 to Helene Maddux, Office of Marketing Communications, 304 Alumni Hall. We'll return them after the calendar is printed.
Contributed by Anne Ryan