Biology Student Presentations
Contributed by Nancy Pierce
Susan Swensen's students presented their research results at the UDSA in Beltsville, MD hosted by Sonja Scheffer.
Both Ithaca College and Cornell College (Iowa) students presented work relating to the NSF-sponsored research on evolution of Blepharoneura flies and their plant hosts in the Cucurbitaceae (squash family). July 2004.
- Robin Rakobitsch, "Phylogeny of subtribe Guraniinae (Cucurbitaceae) based on data from the chloroplast rps16 gene".
- Soo Mee Kim, "Phylogeny of subtribe Guraniinae (Cucurbitaceae) based on data from the nuclear-encoded ITS region and problems of concerted evolution".
- Fred Soliman, "Phylogeny of tribe Melothrieae (Cucurbitaceae) based on data from the chloroplast ndhF gene".
Contributed by Nancy Pierce