Weight Watchers Introduces New Program


Contributed by Anne Woodard

The Ithaca College Weight Watchers at Work is pleased to announce the addition of a new option.

The Core Plan focuses on "wholesome foods without counting" and helps you to satisfy eating without empty calories. The Flex Plan, introduced last year, continues to be offered as a great way to eat what you want while controlling portions and amounts with the points system. Together they make up the Weight Watchers TurnAround.

Interested in learning about one or both of these options? Please join us for our new Weight Watchers at Work program, set to begin September 14 and ending January 4. The cost is $159, which can be split into two equal payments deposited two weeks apart. Meetings are noon-1:00 pm every Tuesday in the Suzuki room in Whalen Center. Please come and join us -- we'd love to have you! Spots are filling up fast!

Payments should be given to the on-campus coordinator, Anne Woodard, 274-3811. Please note that payments must be received by September 7, although the first one will not be deposited until the following week. See you there!

Contributed by Anne Woodard

