John Confer Presents with Students


Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Two presentations were given at international conferences recently by associate professor of biology John Confer jointly with his students.

  • John Confer and Rebecca Serrell presented "Sink and Source Habitat for Golden-winged Warblers" at the 103rd American Ornithologists Union international conference in Quebec City.

    Their paper describes optimal habitat management for the golden-winged warbler, a species declining at 18% per year in New York for the last 33 years and virtually extirpated from much of New England.

  • John Confer, Elizabeth Silvia (environmental studies '04)., Tim Hauck (environmental studies), and Vince Frary (biology '04 ) presented "Managing Rights-of Way Shrublands for the Avian Community" at the eighth International Conference on Environmental Concerns for Rights-of-Way Management in Saratoga Springs, New York.

    Results of this study show that rights-of-way can be managed to enhance avian density and diversity by reducing the density of shrubs.

  • Contributed by Nancy Pierce