John Confer Presents with Students
Contributed by Nancy Pierce
Two presentations were given at international conferences recently by associate professor of biology John Confer jointly with his students.
John Confer and Rebecca Serrell presented "Sink and Source Habitat for Golden-winged Warblers" at the 103rd American Ornithologists Union international conference in Quebec City.
Their paper describes optimal habitat management for the golden-winged warbler, a species declining at 18% per year in New York for the last 33 years and virtually extirpated from much of New England.
John Confer, Elizabeth Silvia (environmental studies '04)., Tim Hauck (environmental studies), and Vince Frary (biology '04 ) presented "Managing Rights-of Way Shrublands for the Avian Community" at the eighth International Conference on Environmental Concerns for Rights-of-Way Management in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Results of this study show that rights-of-way can be managed to enhance avian density and diversity by reducing the density of shrubs.
Contributed by Nancy Pierce