Project Vote Smart's Voter's Self-Defense, presented on September 21 at 7:00 pm in the Emerson Suites, is a one-hour lecture/video presentation on ways we can protect ourselves from media manipulation and negative campaigning .
This presentation is open to all members of the Ithaca College community and the surrounding area.
Showing the "dirty dozen" outrageous political commercials (chosen by students nationwide), self-serving campaign attack ads, and hardball political tactics to watch out for, and exposing inside-party logistical discussions, the Project Vote Smart speaker will lay out the organized process and tactics used to manipulate voters and their votes.
Project Vote Smart will provide those attending the program a copy of the Voter's Self-Defense Manual, with 80 pages of data on candidates' voting records, and The Voter Self-Defense System, a brochure outlining how Project Vote Smart was created, what services are provided, and how to access them.
The project is a twelve-year-old bipartisan organization whose mission is to arm voters and reporters with the most comprehensive, unbiased information available on state, congressional, and presidential candidates. Designed by concerned members of Congress and two former presidents, and sponsored by 170 major news organizations and 5000 libraries, Project Vote Smart's Voter Self Defense program enables citizens to easily defend themselves against the often false and misleading schemes employed by the modern-day political campaigns.
Our speaker, Richard Kimball, the Project Vote Smart president, served in Washington on the staffs of Vice President Mondale and Senator Daniel Moynihan, and was elected chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission and to the Arizona State Senate. He was the Democratic nominee to the US Senate (defeated by then-Congressman John McCain).
This program is sponsored by: the Office of the President; the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life; and the IC Voter Registration and Education Committee; and is part of the Engaging Democracy series sponsored by the Office of the Provost.
Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins