Keeping You Informed about Computer/Network Downtimes
Contributed by Karen Compton
ITS wants to remind everyone of several notification tools that are available to keep members of the campus community informed about computer system or network problems and scheduled service interruptions.
These tools are:
- Helpdesk phone system status line
- Helpdesk-Alert mailing list
- Web system status
- Fix-it Fridays maintenance
ITS Helpdesk Phone System Status Line
If you're having a problem with a network service (like email, the Internet or a Novell file server) call 274-3282 and choose option #1 to find out if there is a campus-wide problem that might be affecting your access to such services.
ITS Helpdesk-Alert Mailing List
Helpdesk-Alert is a moderated, low-volume mailing list (usually less than 3-5 messages per month) designed to provide you with important information regarding conditions or events that may impact your ability to use computing services at Ithaca College. This list is used for alerts regarding major computer system or network problems, system maintenance notices, and reminders about scheduled power outages. You can subscribe to the list on the Helpdesk website.
Web System Status
The ITS computing home page has a system notices section to provide information about current computer system or network problems, as well as future scheduled network outages or down times.
Fix-it Fridays Maintenance
ITS has a "Fix-It Fridays" (FIF) weekly window of time -- 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Fridays -- to perform necessary maintenance on computers and network systems. During this time, important production systems (including e-mail, Novell file servers, Parnassus systems, and others) and/or network communications may be unavailable. We do not use this time every Friday, nor do we take down all systems and the network on any given Friday.
Whenever possible an announcement is posted in the "System Notices" section of the ITS computing home page by noon on Wednesdays listing those systems and services that will be down during the upcoming FIF maintenance period.
It is important to understand that FIF does not completely eliminate the need for other down times for more complex upgrades or for emergency actions required to maintain the function or security of critical systems. However, we will always make every effort to do this work during the FIF window.
If you have any questions about any of these tools, please contact the ITS Helpdesk.
Information Technology Services
ITS Helpdesk,
Contributed by Karen Sunderland