The IC Catalogs are Online


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

A reminder to those of you who maintain Web links to specific topics in the Ithaca College undergraduate or graduate catalogs: The updated 2004-5 editions are now online, so you probably need to update your links.

The catalogs are revised and edited each year and become the official documents governing academic programs and other aspects of the College. If you maintain a website that refers to such official information -- course descriptions, program requirements, grading policy, etc. -- you should change your links to point to the 2004-5 edition of the catalog. We're keeping the previous versions of the catalogs available online, so your links won't go dead -- but if you want your site visitors to get current information, you need to point them to the current version.

You can get to all online catalogs from Academic Catalogs

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins