Once again Staff Council with the help of the American Red Cross Club, ARC@IC, are sponsoring a blood drive here on October 6 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Everyone knows how much the blood supply has been depleted because of weather related catastrophes of the past weeks. Please step up and make an appointment to donate blood this October 6 and help save a life.
Some facts about blood and the blood supply:
You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:
If you have an hour to spare and can be a local hero by donating blood, please email: ARC_IC@hotmail.com or stop by the sign-up table at Campus Center Thursday, September 30, Friday, October 1, Monday October 4, or Tuesday October 5.
Remember that positive ID is required. To improve your donation experience, get a good night's sleep the night before, and be sure to eat well and drink plenty of fluids on the day of the donation.
Contributed by Cindy Smith