The next presentation in the Sustainability Cafe series will be held on Thursday, September 30, from 12:10 - 1:00 pm in the Clark Lounge. This series is offered in conjunction with the Faculty Colloquia series sponsored by the Center for Faculty Excellence.
This week's Cafe will feature the IC Natural Areas Stewardship Task Group Report, presented by the task group cochairs Jason Hamilton from the biology department and Rick Couture, director of physical plant.
During their presentation, the task group leaders will invite attendees to participate in an interactive activity and will lead a follow-on discussion, asking the question, "What kind of landowner does IC want to become?"
Sustainability cafe participants are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch; light refreshments and beverages will be offered.
For more information about the IC Natural Areas Stewardship Task Group, see the Intercom article, Committee to Plan for College's Natural Areas.
Contributed by Marian Brown