Possible Holiday Bus Trip


Contributed by Mary Askew

The Bus Trip Committee, a Staff Council committee, is actively working on reviving the bus trip program. The committee is comprised of five individuals who are responsible for planning and coordinating the IC bus trips.

In an effort to provide a holiday bus trip to New York City we are requesting your assistance. Please let us know ASAP -- no later than October 20 -- if you would be interested in a trip to New York City on December 4. Please email your response to Dayna Schreckengost no later than Wednesday, October 20. We will only offer the trip if there is enough interest expressed.

If we are able to coordinate a holiday trip to New York, the trip would take a similar format as in years past. The cost of the trip will be approximately $35-$40 per person.

For those of you that may have made plans on the previously announced date that was cancelled, please note that Swarthout and Ferris offers regular weekly trips to New York City. For more information, please contact Swarthout and Ferris directly.

Thank you.
The Bus Trip Committee

Contributed by Staff Council Bus Trip Committee

