Publication by Srijana Bajracharya


Contributed by Srijana Bajracharya

Srijana Bajracharya, Carol Bell, and Steve Bowler published an article titled, Partnership for a Healthy Community: A Tobacco Prevention Program in Central Aroostook County (CAC) in the September/October 2004 issue of American Journal of Health Education, volume 35, No. 5, 305-308.

As a part of a tobacco settlement money distribution program, the State of Maine granted 31 communities with significant funding to implement community-based tobacco prevention programs. The primary goal was to reduce tobacco related chronic diseases.

A description of how the partnership was established and how arrays of activities (e.g. tobacco policy assessment, youth advocacy, smoking cessation programs, multiple educational strategies, and environmental modifications) were carried out in the Central Aroostook County (CAC) is presented.

Contributed by Srijana Bajracharya