Ithaca College has slated a number of events in the final weeks leading up to the November 2 conclusion of the campaign season.
The events have been organized by the Ithaca College Voter Registration and Education Committee, a group comprising students, faculty, and staff. Get involved -- get educated -- get out and vote!
Tuesday, October 26
"The Election and the Environment"
7:30 to 9:00 pm in Textor 102
Ithaca College faculty discuss the implications of the 2004 Election on the environment. Sponsored by ICES and the Office of the Provost
Wednesday, October 27
"Who Should be the Next President of the United States?"
7:00 to 8:30 pm in Clark Lounge
Winners of the Perialas Prize in Persuasion public speaking contest will share their winning speeches for Bush, for Kerry, and for an alternative candidate. Sponsored by the Department of Speech Communications
Thursday, October 28
"Speak Up and Find Out: Get the Facts Before You Vote"
7:00 pm in Williams 323
Open forum with Tompkins County representatives of the Democratic, Green, Libertarian, and Republican parties. Sponsored by IC Change, IC Republicans, and the Diversity Awareness Committee.
Friday, October 29 and Monday, November 1
"Tabling in the Campus Center".
Get information about Election Day events, the candidates and about the voting process.
Tuesday, November 2
"Hop on Board the Political Process!"
From 9:00am until 4:30 pm on the half hour at the Textor Hall flagpole
The Voter Van will take voters to the South Hill Fire Department polling location.
"The Ithaca College Parade to the Polls"
12:00 at Free Speech Rock
Join the Parade to the Polls led by President Williams and the Ithaca College Fife and Drum Corps. We will parade to the polls to vote and to support those voting at the South Hill Fire Station. All are welcome - you do not need to be eligible to vote at South Hill to participate!
"Post-election party"
8:00 to 11:45 pm in IC Square.
Watch the results roll in on the big screen, listen to the commentary and cheer on your favorite candidate. Sponsored by the Office of the President, Sodexho and the SGA.
Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins