Election Day Events at Ithaca College


Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins

Get Out and Vote! Election Day events are planned for all day around campus!

All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to participate in the following Election Day events on Tuesday, November 2. All events are sponsored by the campus voter registration and education committee.

Get on Board the Political Process
Beginning at 9:00 a.m.
The "Voter Van" will take students, faculty, and staff from the Textor flagpole to the South Hill fire station polling location. The van will leave Textor on the half-hour with the last run leaving at 4:30.

The Ithaca College Parade to the Polls
Noon at Free Speech Rock
President Williams and the Ithaca College Fife and Drum Corps will lead us to the South Hill fire station polling location. We are parading to show our support of those participating in the political process. Again, all faculty, staff, and students are welcome. You do not have to be eligible to vote at South Hill to participate. All who would like to join our show of political pride are welcome!

Post-Election Party
8:00 p.m. until 11:45 p.m.
Join your friends in IC Square to watch the results roll in on the new big screen! Food and beverages are being provided by the Office of the President and the Student Government Association.

Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins

