Give the Gift of Reading


Contributed by Laurie Ward

The Ithaca College Theater and the Family Reading Partnership are collecting gently used and new children's books for the Bright Red Bookshelf and Give the Gift of Family Reading programs.

Books will be distributed to low-income families through the Family Reading Partnership.

Collection boxes will be set up in the lobby of the Dillingham Center beginning November 2. Books can be dropped off during box office hours, Monday through Friday, noon to 5:00 pm, or during all performances of Seussical: The Musical.

The Family Reading Partnership is located in Ithaca, and is a coalition of organizations, individuals, schools, libraries, and businesses that is working to create a "culture of literacy" by promoting family reading practices throughout the community.

Seussical: The Musical is running at Ithaca College Theatre November 2, 4-7, 10, 12 and 13.

Contributed by Laurie Ward