Dear members of the Ithaca College community:
I am pleased to share this latest report from the Planning and Priorities Committee, which provides a four year summary of our collective accomplishments in implementing the priorities and goals of the Institutional Plan. This report is cumulative in nature, and includes what was in the report two years ago.
At the opening All-College meetings for staff and faculty this fall, I shared a short list of what we have done since 2000-2001. This report is more complete than my oral summary was, but still is not exhaustive. We should all be proud of what we have done since adopting the plan, and the extent to which the plan has guided our actions and decisions.
I am also providing a summary of the "Areas of Focus for FY 06 and FY 07". Looking out two years, we need to focus our energy on continuing to improve the quality of the student experience (in academic and co-curricular arenas) with important work in areas such as facilities, resource development, quality of work life for our employees, diversity, and information technology, all of which supports this quality improvement.
Institutional Planning Update - Fall 2004
Areas of Focus for FY 06 and FY 07
I thank each of you for what you have done over the years to bring the plan to life. I want to extend a special thanks to members of the Planning and Priorities Committee -- past and present -- for their important work in keeping us focused on the Institutional Plan and what we said was important for the College to accomplish.
Peggy R. Williams