During the past several weeks, Ellen Staurowsky, Department of Sport Management and Media, has presented on several occasions to national and international audiences.
As president of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, she delivered the presidential address to that association last week in Tucson, Arizona. The title of her presentation was "The Sport Sociologist Exemption within the U.S. Faculty Bias Debate".
While at those meeting she also participated on a panel discussing issues pertaining to intercollegiate athletic reform.
In late October, Staurowsky was an invited speaker at the Marquette University Law School National Sports Law Institute where she delivered a lecture entitled "On Behalf of Our Minor Daughters: Reflections on Title IX in the Twenty-First Century."
Also in October, she was an invited speaker to the FAHPERD in Orlando, Florida, where she delivered a paper on "Cultural Insensitivity As Sport and Spectacle: The Outkasts, Redskins, Chiefs & Seminoles."
Contributed by Patricia Green