2004-2005 Ithaca College Planning & Priorities Committee
Contributed by Eileen Jacobs
I am pleased to announce the 2004-2005 Planning and Priorities Committee. We appreciate the important work that members of this committee do on behalf of the entire Ithaca College community.
--President Peggy R. Williams
2004-2005 Ithaca College Planning and Priorities Committee
- Laurie Arliss -- professor and chair, speech communication
- Susan Avery -- assistant professor, music education
- Peter Bardaglio -- chair; provost and vice president for academic affairs
- Barb Belyea -- clinical associate professor, physical therapy
- Vivian Conger -- assistant professor, history
- Mark Cordano -- assistant professor, business administration
- Brian Dashew '06 -- SGA president, communications
- Arlene Dende -- administrative assistant, math and computer science
- Sally Dietz -- budget analyst, budget
- Marsha Eger -- director, Ithaca Fund
- Scott Erickson -- associate professor, business administration
- Raphael Golberstein '06 -- student trustee, communications
- Nicole Gundersen '07 -- physical therapy
- Virginia Mansfield-Richardson -- associate dean of communications
- Brian Martinson -- executive assistant to the VP, finance and administration
- Michael McGreevey -- executive assistant to the president
- Bonnie Prunty -- director, residential life/judicial affairs
- Steve Siconolfi -- dean of health sciences and human performance
- Shelley Semmler -- vice president for institutional advancement
- Ed Twyman -- director, multicultural affairs
- Matthew Walters -- facilities attendant, facilities services
- Wenmouth Williams -- professor and chair, television and radio
Contributed by Michael McGreevey