LGBT Legislative Issues Update


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

"Out for Info: An update on state and federal legislation and policy issues regarding LGBT people," will be the first in the Spring 2005 Colloquium Series for the Center for Faculty Excellence. Presented by Lisa Maurer, coordinator of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Education Resources Center, this update will be given on Thursday, January 27, 12:10-1:00 p.m. in Clark Lounge.

Which states provide non-discrimination legislation? How does that affect one's state and federal rights and responsibilities? What about marriage or civil unions? What is the status of recent anti-LGBT ballot measures? Come to this session for an overview of the complex and quickly changing landscape.

The talk is open to the entire campus community and will be lively and informative. You are welcome to bring lunch; light refreshments will be available.

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Contributed by Susanne Morgan