Harper Invited to Discuss Writing and Blogs at MIT


Contributed by Christopher Harper

Professor Christopher Harper has been invited to present a paper and lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the role of Web logs, or "blogs," and their impact on journalism and the political process. Harper, the Park Distinguished Chair in the School of Communications, has written extensively about the role of digital journalism.

The conference, which is titled "The Work of Stories," is scheduled for May 6-8 at MIT. The conference is the fourth in a series of programs, which are titled "Media in Transition." Harper participated in the first conference, which resulted in a book, Media and Democracy, and has lectured previously at the MIT Media Lab.

The conference is expected to attract hundreds of people whose specialties range from anthropology to traditional literature. Those who may be interested in attending the program can find additional information at MiT4: The Work of Stories or contact Harper at charper@ithaca.edu or 274-1762.

Contributed by Christopher Harper

