The holidays are over, students have returned from break, and we have all returned to our regular routines. The Caring and Sharing Committee is also "winding down" from the busy holiday season, and we wanted to be sure that everyone knows how much we appreciate all of the wonderful contributions made by the employees and students here at IC.
Thank you so much for all of the food that was donated. We were overwhelmed by your generosity.
Thank you also to the facilities attendants crew who picked up the food from numerous locations on campus and delivered it to the chapel. You are life savers!
Thank you to all of the individuals, departments and student groups that "adopted" a family for the holiday. The gifts were overflowing at the chapel and the families were truly grateful.
Thanks to all of those who donated their winter clothing items for the Share-the-Warmth Campaign. We were able to supply many of the items needed by our community members and their families.
We cannot begin to express how much all of your contributions mean to the committee and especially to the people you help. Thank you all so much.
The Caring and Sharing Committee
Contributed by Crystal Young