Participate in Health Perception Study, Could Win $100


Contributed by Cyndy Scheibe

I'm Cyndy Scheibe, an associate professor in developmental psychology and the executive director of Project Look Sharp. The students on my research team and I are conducting a study here at Ithaca College, and are looking for faculty and staff members between the ages of 18-65 to participate.

The study involves people's perceptions about themselves and health related issues, including stress, eating and exercise behaviors, self-esteem, self-perception, and media use.

We are asking for your participation in this study, which involves filling out a series of six questionnaires. One additional questionnaire will be only for parents with children between the ages of 1 and 12, containing questions about children's repetitive media use (e.g., wanting to have the same book read over and over, or wanting to watch the same video again immediately after seeing it). Total participation time should be about an hour.

If you are willing to help us out by participating in this study, we will enter your name into a drawing for $100, which will be awarded to one participant after the study is completed in mid-February.

We will be running the study February 7-11, with sessions scheduled between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm in Williams Hall. If you are interested in participating or have any questions about the study, just e-mail me at or call 274-1324.

Thanks for your help!

Contributed by Cyndy Scheibe