ESPN Media Strategist to Lecture on February 9


Contributed by Melissa Gattine

Sharon Otterman '91 will be returning to her alma mater for a three-day visit February 7-9 as the 2005 Skip Landen Professional in Residence.

Otterman is the vice president for media strategy at ESPN. She is responsible for broadcast promotions, media planning, and return on marketing investment for ESPN and its networks.

The campus community is invited to her public lecture, "ESPN: The Evolution of the Brand," on Wednesday, February 9, 7:30 p.m., in Park Auditorium.

The talk will be an overview of the positioning, brand promise, and commercials that made ESPN as strong as it is today.

The Skip Landen Professional in Residence Series was established in the Roy H. Park School of Communications to bring alumni media professionals to campus each year to meet and work with students. The series is named after filmmaker and professor emeritus of cinema and photography Gustav "Skip" Landen.

For more information, contact Melissa Gattine, 274-1023.

Contributed by Melissa Gattine