This past weekend the faculty / staff email system was unavailable from 4:00 p.m. Friday, 2/11, until approximately 9:00 a.m. Sunday, 2/13, due to continuing problems with the email storage system. A follow-up email message was sent to all faculty and staff email accounts on Monday, 2/14.
Our investigation shows that no email was lost from the system. However, some incoming email messages may have had a significant delivery delay (as late as Tuesday, 2/15) and some portion of email messages sent to the college during the downtime were returned to the sender as being undeliverable. In those cases the sender will have received a bounce message indicating that their email could not be delivered. Those messages must be resent by the sender (they will not automatically be resent).
We apologize for any inconvenience that the email system problems caused. We are continuing to work with our email system vendors and are reviewing our systems, procedures and processes to ensure that we can provide reliable email service to everyone who uses our system.
[ ITS Helpdesk]