Little Moments. Big Magic -- the IC Family Carnival


Contributed by Christine Pogorzala

This annual event, which is open to the general public as well as the Ithaca College Community, will take place this Friday, February 25, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the Fitness Center. Proceeds from the carnival will be donated to One-to-One Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County.

Admission prices are:

Adults -- $4.00
Children and students -- $3.00
Family of five -- $15

"The College's Community Service Committee decided to donate the money from this year's carnival to the local Big Brothers Big Sisters program for several reasons," says Deborah Mohlenhoff, coordinator of community service and leadership. "First, this year is the organization's 100th anniversary; second, this is a way to show support for the recently formed campus chapter; and third, three staff members serve on the local board."

In addition to an obstacle course, giant slide, and bean bag toss, the carnival will feature McGruff the Crime Dog as well as demonstrations by the Cornell University Juggling Club and the Ithaca College Tae Kwan Do club. Other College organizations will also be represented, including an African drum group, the Ithaca College Circus Club, a hip-hop ensemble, and various dance clubs. Student-run activity tables will offer face painting, sand art, jewelry making, potato prints, golfing for goodies, and other fun events.

Those carnival-goers who feel particularly lucky can take part in a raffle for prizes that include a personal care product bag, a basket of movie tickets and snacks, and a basket of activity books and crayons. Tickets will sell for $1.00 each or six for $5.00.

Raffle items were donated by various College constituencies, including the Department of Physics, Information Technology Services, Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, and the Offices of Career Services, the College Attorney, the Provost, and Student Affairs and Campus Life. And, thanks to Best Buy, the carnival's corporate sponsor, carnival goers can get their pictures taken and printed free of charge at a digital photo station staffed by Best Buy employees.

For more information on "Little Moments, Big Magic," call Deborah Mohlenhoff at 607-274-1380.