Women's Opportunity Center and Business Students


Contributed by Karen Gorewit

Ithaca College business students put their skills to work for the Women’s Opportunity Center. In the fall of 2004 the clubs of the Ithaca College School of Business held the first of what is to be an annual retreat. Coordinated by the Career Connections club, the goal was to increase communication among the school’s student organizations and, hopefully, to develop some common goals.

The event was a huge success and the organizations decided to continue their College’s tradition of service by putting their education to work for the benefit of the Ithaca Women’s Opportunity Center (WOC).

Formed in 1979, the center is a local nonprofit organization that in the words of assistant director Susan Moore has as its mission, “to assist people in becoming economically self-sufficient and to strengthen the community by strengthening families.” She added, “In the past year, the Center has provided services to 327 people and helped 127 of them enter the workforce.”

Since the retreat, big things have been happening. The work hit stride during the holiday season where the Ithaca College Accounting Association launched a clothing drive that collected over $600 worth of interview attire for individuals who might not otherwise have access to it. This spring Career Connections will be helping WOC users to develop resumes and cover letters, the Finance Management Association and the Core Trading Consultants will be conducting budgeting workshops, Sigma Iota Epsilon will provide computer training classes, and the American Marketing Association will be using grant money that they received to develop new marketing materials for the Center.

