Items for the third annual Bursar's Office Benefit Auction are rolling in. Don't forget to save the auction date, April 14, and to begin planning your bidding strategy. Read on for some of this year's auction items.
This year's auction will be even bigger and better than last year's with all sorts of wonderful items already received for the big event. We will feature more theme baskets and prize balloons and have all sorts of tempting items for your purchase.
Items waiting to be auctioned off include a signed, newly released CD by a local musician, original framed paintings and photos, jewelry, puzzles, handmade afghans, clothing, Bomber sports items, and gourmet desserts. Are you a fan of Law & Order or One Tree Hill? We have signed scripts from both shows as well as a signed cast photo of One Tree Hill. What celebrity photo collection would be complete without a photo of George Costanza? We just happen to have a signed photo of Jason Alexander as well!
For the chocoholics on campus, we will also have another decadent basket of everything chocolate. Take a chance on fulfilling your dream of actually having so much chocolate you can't finish it!
The Bursar's Office Benefit Auction will be held on April 14 in the Clark Lounge. Please keep checking Intercom for the auction times. We will have both a silent and live auction. They will be around the lunch hour. Proceeds from this year's auction will support the Tompkins County SPCA, the Alzheimers Association, and the Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative.