Pedal for Medals -- Cycling for the Special Olympics


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

I'm looking for IC cyclists to join me on a terrific four-day bicycle ride in June to support the New York Special Olympics -- or, at least, to join me in preparing for the ride.

Pedal for Medals is a ride from Saranac Lake in the Adirondacks to Dwyer Park near Cortland, covering just under 300 miles from June 24 to 27. The ride passes through the majesty of the Adirondack Mountains and the St. Lawrence River Valley, past the eastern end of Lake Ontario, south into the Finger Lakes region. Riders stay in a hotel each night and get all their meals provided. In order to participate, each rider must raise a donation of at least $600.

All the details of the ride are at, where you can also leave messages on the riders forum if you want to learn more from the other participants.

It's a pretty demanding ride physically, one that would go a lot better with some systematic training beforehand. If we could get several IC cyclists to join in a training plan, it would make the hours and miles go much more pleasantly. In fact, IC cyclists getting ready for any other rides (such as the AIDS ride around Cayuga Lake in September) could join forces for training purposes.

I'm planning to participate in some of the rides of the Finger Lakes Cycling Club (every Thursday after work; probably the Sunday rides, too). Please get in touch if you are interested in forming a group, riding in Pedal for Medals, or just devoting some time to cycling together this summer.

Details about the Special Olympics ride are at
Contact me by email ([ Andrejs]) or phone (592 0780).