An ensemble of Ithaca College faculty and students, and residents of Longview, will offer a performance drawn from Katharyn Howd Machan's full-length collection of poetic monologues, written during the past 20 years and published by FootHills Publishing in January.
The performance will take place Thursday, March 31, 12:10-1:00 pm in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center.
The Center for Faculty Excellence is proud to sponsor this major event in the Colloquium Series. Katharyn Machan, writing, is a prominent representative of the College mission, as the first City of Ithaca poet laureate who engages students in academic service learning and who builds intergenerational networks among campus, Longview, and the wider community.
Colloquia in the Center for Faculty Excellence are open to anyone and coffee and light refreshments are provided. We understand that some may need to arrive late or leave early due to class schedules.
A few April dates for colloquia remain open; contact Susanne Morgan for more information.