Sustainability Presentations at the James J. Whalen Academic Symposium
Contributed by Nancy Pierce
There will be a special session on sustainability Wednesday, April 6, in Emerson Suite B. Many presentations will take place throughout the day. A complete listing of the schedule is below.
Morning Session
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Susan Allen-Gil, associate professor, biology
Marlene Barken, associate professor, business administration
- "Amphibian Migration and Road Mortality"
Tyler Eusden, Nolan Flores, Bryan Gammons, and Anthony Parisi
Sponsor: John Confer, associate professor, biology
- "Efficacy in Environmental Reform"
Anthony Santoriello
Sponsor: Jason Hamilton, assistant professor, biology
- "Best Sustainability Practices: Global Case Studies of the Automobile and Pharmaceutical Companies"
Diana Jethwani
Sponsor: Hormoz Movassaghi, professor, business administration
- "Stakeholder Salience, Shifting Networks and Sustainability"
Krasimira Georgeiva
Sponsor: David Saiia, assistant professor, business administration
- "Transference of Minimum Impact Ethics for Backcountry to the Built Environment"
Lucas Owens
Sponsor: Rob Porter, assistant professor, therapeutic rec. & leisure services
- "Sustainable Park Planning and Design Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)"
Carolyn Clarvoe
Sponsor: Rob Porter, assistant professor, therapeutic rec. & leisure services
- "Green Buildings Virtual Tour"
Carolyn Pender
Sponsor: Carol Jennings, Park Productions
Keynote Address: "Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change"
- Geoffrey Chase
Introduction and Remarks
Peter W. Bardaglio
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Afternoon Session
- "Toward a Sustainable Campus, Part I: A Model of the Ithaca College CNS Building Footprint"
Anthony Sartoriello
Sponsor: Susan Swensen, associate professor, biology
- "Toward a Sustainable Campus, Part II: Improving Efficiency of the Ithaca College CNS Building Energy Systems"
Nitin Rajan
Sponsors: Jon Harrod, EcoVillage
Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
- "Toward a Sustainable Campus, Part III: Improving Efficiency of the Ithaca College CNS Building Laboratory Energy Systems"
Allison Krasnow
Sponsors: Jon Harrod, EcoVillage
Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
- "Geothermal Heat Pumps for Ithaca College"
Sanya Levi
Sponsor: Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
- "Wind Power for Ithaca College"
Allison Krasnow
Sponsor: Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
- "Changing Personal Behaviors: Energy Conservation on Campus"
Kathleen McCarthy
Sponsors: Susan Allen-Gil, associate professor, biology
Mark Darling, supervisor, recycling and resource management program
- "Permaculture Possibilities on the Ithaca College Campus"
Megan Cantrell, Kat McCarthy
Sponsor: Elan Shapiro, EcoVillage of Ithaca,
- "A Greenhouse Design Using Heat from the Ithaca College Compost, Part I: Plants and Building Shell"
Steve Buchanon
Sponsors: Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
Mark Darling, supervisor, recycling and resource management program
- "A Greenhouse Design Using Heat from the Ithaca College Compost, Part II: Solar and Radiant Energy"
Steve Figgatt
Sponsors: Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, assistant professor, physics
Mark Darling, supervisor, recycling and resource management program
The following poster will be on display all day:
"The Management Plan for the Natural Areas of South Hill"
Kyle Block, Garik Charneco, Jen Cramer, Paula Friedlund, Titania Ward, Tyler Eusden, Jacob Wallack
Sponsor: John Confer, associate professor, biology