Students -- Welcome to Intercom
Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins
Intercom is pleased to welcome Ithaca College students to the College's information center. We’ve added topics and made many changes "under the hood" to bring the whole Ithaca College community into Intercom's conversation:
- We’ve added two new topics: "News for Students," where faculty and staff can submit stories when they have specific news for students, and "Student Organizations," in which student organizations share information for students. You can view both of these topics without logging in.
- Students will also be able to log in to post comments on stories and to submit to the "Letters" topic. Please be aware, however, that "Letters" is a log-in topic, meaning that you can access it only by first logging in to Intercom.
- One change that may affect some of you: staff who are currently enrolled in classes will be identified on our mailing lists as both staff and student. Therefore, they may receive two of the e-mail roundups of news each time we send them. Please simply discard the extra.
Please make Intercom your information center and encourage others to join our conversation!