To all interested faculty:
Once again, the IC coordinating team of the NSF "Applying Science to Sustainability" grant solicits applications for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability. Grants are for $1,000 for work done during the summer of 2005.
In the past, we have received proposals to teach new courses, develop new components of existing courses, and revise existing courses to deal with issues relating to sustainability. For example, proposals have been funded for faculty in politics, therapeutic recreation and leisure services, writing, biology, physics, economics, and environmental studies.
We especially encourage applications to develop sustainability units to be added to large lecture courses and proposals to teach sustainability "modules" that could be "guest taught" in a variety of courses, including "the Fourth Hour" of first year seminars in H&S. The coordinating team is also organizing a one-day workshop on teaching sustainability across the curriculum this May, to which successful applicants will be invited, as well as any other faculty members who might be interested.
Please find a description of the project proposal procedure and the curriculum development proposal form:
Thank you.
Susan Allen-Gil (biology) and Jason Hamilton (biology)