An Erase the Hate Rally and March will take place at the Free Speech Rock on Thursday, April 14, 2005, at noon, to respond to the continuing acts of prejudice on campus.
On Sunday, April 10, 2005, a West Tower resident witnessed a bias-related incident.
According to his account, the words "Fu*king N*ggers" were written on the outside of BJ's Sub Connection in the Towers Concourse. As later informed by a public safety officer, the same exact words had been written across the front entrance to the Towers. A janitor reported the latter incident.
Other incidents occurring on the same day included spit on the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) glass display case showing LGBT events for Gaypril; and the words "Nigges Sux" written on another glass display case adjacent to the OMA. And the preceding day, Saturday, April 9, 2005, the prism flag was stolen from the flagpole.
These incidents no longer relate to simply race or sexual orientation, but instead point to a larger theme: hate. So, in response to these continuing acts of prejudice, an Erase the Hate Rally and March has been planned for noon, Thursday, April 14, 2005, at the Free Speech Rock.
Students from various organizations will be in attendance. The support and advocacy of faculty, staff, and administrators will be both expected and appreciated.
The African Latino Society, prism, Caribbean Students Association, the Diversity Council, Feminist Majority, Students for a Just Peace, Habitat for Humanity, Created Equal, Asian Culture Club, and MLK Scholars