Project Look Sharp's Media Literacy Summer Institute --July 11-15


Contributed by Hilary Merlin

Project Look Sharp at will be hosting its sixth annual Media Literacy Summer Institute July 11-15, 2005, on the Ithaca College campus.

The institute is a weeklong intensive workshop on integrating media literacy into classroom curricula at all grade levels and in all subject areas. Mornings will be devoted to learning the theory and practice of media literacy. In the afternoons participants will learn how to use technology (such as video camcorders, microphones, and digital editing with iMovie) to integrate media production into their curricula.

All participants will work with a Project Look Sharp "coach" to develop a media literacy integration project to implement in their classrooms during the upcoming academic year. Open to any interested K-12 teacher, support staff, education student, college faculty member, community educator, or administrator.

Available for 2.8 Continuing Education Units. The cost is $550.00; the course fee is New York State-aidable through Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES. Also available for 2-3 graduate credits at additional cost.

For registration instructions, visit For more information, call 607-274-3471.