Linda Heyne Receives Summer Research Grant


Contributed by Lana Morse

Linda Heyne received a Faculty Development Summer Research Grant for her
proposal, "Retrospective on Inclusive Recreation: The Impact of Early
Inclusion Experiences."

From 1984 to 1989, Linda served as the Special Needs Coordinator at the
Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area (JCC), facilitating
inclusive recreation experiences for children and youth with disabilities.
The JCC was one of the first agencies in the country to provide
system-wide inclusive recreation programming. The youngsters who
participated in the 1980s are now young adults, and Linda’s study seeks to
understand the impact of their early inclusive recreation experiences on
later life decisions and experiences, attitudes, personal growth,
self-determination, and families. The study also seeks to understand the
culture and climate at the JCC that values, encourages, and involves
people with disabilities. Participants with and without disabilities,
parents, and JCC members are being interviewed. The Summer Research Grant
will allow Linda to write up and disseminate the results of the study to
document the long-term impact of inclusive recreation.