Student Campus Climate Survey Summary


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

Below is a summary of results from the Student Campus Climate survey. Conducted in the spring of 2004, the objectives of the survey were to determine students’ general experiences at Ithaca College, attitudes and beliefs about diversity and multiculturalism, and experiences related to diversity at Ithaca College.

The Presidential Task Force on Diversity will consider the results of the survey as they continue to work on their final report to the President.

Peter Bardaglio
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ithaca College Student Campus Climate Survey
April 13, 2005


Summary of Category Results

Overall Findings

Recommendations from Survey Committee

Facts and Figures


2,876 out of 5,872 surveys were received (overall response rate of 49.0%). Data collected from the survey and administrative data were combined to determine personal and academic descriptors of students including gender, race, citizenship, location of residence, religion, disability status, income, major(s), and school(s) of study.

Overall findings indicate that the student body is predominately female, white, Christian, US citizens, with household incomes greater than $75,000. Most survey respondents were female, non-resident aliens, with household incomes less than $75,000, and who lived on campus.

General Thoughts about IC Environment

Comfort Level of Students

Evaluation of IC's Diversity Efforts

Students' Personal Experiences and Observations

Students' Opinions and Perceptions

Prepared by:
Peter W. Bardaglio
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs