The Final Bid -- Auction Thanks and Updates


Contributed by Anne Woodard

As the dust settles from this year's Bursar's Benefit Auction, the Office of the Bursar staff would like to thank the entire College community for your support of our event. We did not make the goal we had hoped of $3000...instead we made $4158! That means $1386 each to the Tompkins County SPCA, the Alzheimer's Association, and the Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative. We could not have done it without your help.

To thank each person who helped with the success of the auction would fill up an entire issue of Intercom, but there are a few people who deserve special recognition:

Again, this is but a partial list of those folks we would like to thank. For those of you who have a hankering for chocolate, it would be wise to look for Ann Thomas in admission. She is the new owner of the basket of chocolate!

Have a good year, and see you next April for Auction #4!