IC Kicks Back on April 29 with Celebration!


Contributed by Karen English

Students, faculty, and staff -- you have worked hard all year; now come celebrate the end of the semester! Come to the Campus Center quad 3:00-6:00 pm on Friday, April 29.

Let's join as a community and start a great tradition. Come and enjoy a free BBQ, DJ, laser tag, inflatable obstacle course/slide, Velcro drag race, prizes, give-aways, and more! Come and check it out and let's celebrate the last day of classes together.

Sponsored by IC After Dark, SAB, RHA, BOC, SGA, Center for Student Leadership & Involvement, Office of Student Affairs & Campus Life, Office of the President, Conference & Event Services, Dining Services, Alumni Relations, Recreational Sports, and the Office of Residential Life. (Rain Location: Fitness Center & Campus Center dining hall.)

