Larry Shinagawa, CSCRE, was one of three invited speakers for the President's Diversity Forum at Hobart & William Smith Colleges.
Larry Hajime Shinagawa, Director of CSCRE, was one of three invited
speakers who lectured at the President's Diversity Forum on April 28,
2005 at Hobart & William Smith Colleges. The Forum, entitled "The
Difference that Differences Make" featured the thoughts and reflections
about multiculturalism and diversity as presented and discussed by Eric
Liu, author of the /Accidental Asian/ and former White House speech
writer, Carlos Cortes, former Chair of Chicano and Latino Studies at UC
Riverside and acknowledged author of numerous books on multiculturalism,
and Larry Hajime Shinagawa, Director of the Center for the Study of
Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE) at Ithaca College. Dr.
Shinagawa's speech was entitled, "Multiple and Overlapping Identities
and Allegiances: Race Relations in the 21st Century."