Jason Hamilton, biology, is proud to announce the recently published articles listed below. The first one was coauthored with one of his students, Mihai Aldea.
Hamilton, J.G., O. Dermody, M. Aldea, A.R. Zangerl, A. Rogers, M.R. Berenbaum, and E.H. DeLucia. 2005. “Anthropogenic changes in tropospheric composition increase susceptibility of soybean to insect herbivory.” Environmental Entomology 34(2):479-485.
View the abstract at www.ithaca.edu/biology/article_jghdermodys05.pdf
Knepp, R.G., J.G. Hamilton, J.E. Mohan, A.R. Zangerl, M.R. Berenbaum, and E.H. DeLucia. 2005. "Elevated CO2 reduces leaf damage by insect herbivores in a forest community". New Phytologist.
View the abstract at www.ithaca.edu/biology/article_jghknepps05.pdf