Mara Alper's experimental video To Erzulie was accepted for screening at the 25th annual National Association for Poetry Therapy conference in St. Louis, MO in May. It will also screen at the Art Mission Gallery as part of the exhibit Digital Salon which will run May 6-28.
The Art Mission Gallery is located at 128 Washington Street, in Binghamton. The opening is May 6, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The piece was created with Ithaca College Park School students Rebecca Reagan '02, and Donna Lovas '02. It features the poetry and performance of Lenelle Moise '02 (theater).
The National Association for Poetry Therapy is a world-wide community of poets, writers, health care professionals, and educators who recognize and appreciate the healing power of language.
To Erzulie was made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency, with support from the Experimental Television Center. The exhibition Digital Salon is made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts. Programs at the Art Mission are supported in part by the United Cultural Fund of the Broome County Arts Council. Presentation funds for Digital Salon are provided by the Experimental Television Center.
Alper is an associate professor in the television-radio department.