Computers, monitors, televisions and other electronic equipment, rechargeable batteries, and fluorescent light bulbs contain relatively small amounts of heavy metals such as lead and mercury and are not allowed to be mixed with regular trash.
These items are known as "universal waste" and to keep heavy metals out of the environment, they must be recycled. (Regular household-type incandescent light bulbs and alkaline batteries can be placed in the normal trash.)
"Universal waste" is a term used by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to identify certain widely generated hazardous wastes. Individually these items pose little threat to the environment or our health. When generated collectively, such as on a college campus, these small amounts can add up and create an environmental hazard. As a result, Ithaca College's management of this waste stream is closely monitored by the EPA and the DEC.
The following are the College procedures for proper disposal of universal wastes. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them.
EPA "Streamlined Regulations for Universal Waste" -- Universal Waste