Summer Schedule for Intercom Roundups


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

Starting this week, e-mail roundups of new Intercom stories will be sent only once a week (Monday), as has become customary during the summer months.

The volume of news slows down during the summer, and we've found that a once-a-week schedule of roundups is the best way to keep the campus updated.

We'd like to remind everyone that, regardless of how often roundups are sent, the best way to stay abreast of campus happenings is to visit the Intercom website frequently -- you'll find new items posted there throughout the week.

Also, remember to log in to the site. When you do, you will be able to see and contribute to the IC-only sections of Intercom, as well as comment on all the stories posted there.

It's your information center; make the most of it!