It is no mere coincidence that Weight Watchers at Work meets in the Suzuki Room in Whalen Center -- in no time at all members will be fit as a fiddle! We are not stringing you along when we say that the program works -- it is sound, easy, and lots of fun. Want to join us in singing praises to the program? Here's how:
Weight Watchers at Work is holding a special summer session beginning June 14 and ending September 27 (note new dates). Meetings are held from noon to 1:00 pm in the Suzuki Room of Whalen Center, and are open to all men and women in the campus community as well as their friends. Cost of the session is $159, payable in one or two installments (second check deposited 2 weeks after the first). We need only 4 more people to start the session - are you one of them? Don't be afraid to take that first step. You will thank yourself later!
Our campus coordinator for the program is Anne Woodard. Please feel free to contact her for information or to sign up. Anne can be reached at x4-3811 or at
Summer is almost here, and you have a great opportunity to enjoy yourself and eat better all at once! Tune up with us and you will be fit as a fiddle for the next school year!